Families Are Different. Families Are the Same Activity

Every Family is the Same. Every Family is Different.

Our earth is a various place, and this diversity is evident in our families as well. The differences among families might be common. Still, that does non automatically make children comfortable nearly their agreement regarding families. Since many families tend to expect unlike from their ain, information technology is harder for children to identify the points of similarity between families. The early years in school is crucial for building the agreement among children regarding the uniqueness of families. Our efforts should be aimed at helping children understand that multifariousness is a good thing.

The lessons pertaining to families contained in the EVS textbook aim at helping students recognize and accept the differences as well every bit the similarities among themselves and others.


  1. Understanding, appreciating, and respecting similarities and differences.
  2. Exhibiting pride in their own unique families.
  3. Learning well-nigh different types of families.
  4. Identifying specific similarities and differences between their family and the families of their classmates.

Some questions to explore: "What makes a family a family unit?"; "How can someone who looks different be the aforementioned as I am?"; "How practice you lot feel when you visit a family that is unlike from yours?"; "What does it mean to take someone's differences?"

Main ideas for Grade 3

  • The family is the first group of social contact for most people. It has a very of import influence on one'south personality.
  • The people who constitute a family and their relationships with ane another may vary from one family to the other. This is evident both in traditional societies every bit well as in rapidly changing urban societies of the present day. It is the functions that a group performs which help us decide whether a particular group is a family or non.
  • The family provides nurturing and care to its members and fulfils several social and economic functions.

Main ideas for Form 4

  • We learn many things from our family—the customs we follow, our attitudes towards others and the world around us, and many of our basic values. In fact, our family shapes and influences us then strongly that it makes us who nosotros are in many ways.
  • There can be many issues that could pb to strains and conflicts within the family unit. Anybody in a family may not be treated as. Some family members have more rights and more power while making decisions than other members of the same family.
  • What happens within a family is a reflection of what nosotros see in the world effectually us. In fact, families are like the society, but in a smaller scale.


1. Circle of similarities:

Split up the class into two groups having equal number of students. Ask one group to stand up in a circumvolve facing outside. Ask the other group to stand in circle facing the other (inner) circle. This arrangement will let each student to facing another educatee in the other circumvolve. Discuss virtually the words 'aforementioned' and 'different'. Ask the students to observe some traits about their partner that are same and some traits that are different. The teacher is required to provide some examples.

In the side by side footstep, the partners volition be given some questions. Each student needs to ask these questions to their partner. Once all the questions are over, the responses will be shared in the whole class to notice out the number of traits that were same and dissimilar. 1 of the circles can be asked to move i step to the right or to the left in lodge to become new partners. Afterward this, the questioning session tin be continued.

Debrief: The students tin can be asked to go dorsum to their seats. Some questions can be used to conduct a discussion. "Were the answers of yous and your partner more than oftentimes the aforementioned or were they unlike?"; "Is it alright to take unlike opinions and responses from your friends?"; "What would happen if everyone in the class were exactly the same?"; "In what way does it brand our form community ameliorate to exist different from each other in some means?"

2. Family unit stories:

The teacher should share two stories from the textbooks and ask questions to facilitate a discussion.

Questions for Grade 3:

  1. Name ii things that are the same in both the families.
  2. Name two things that are dissimilar in both the families.
  3. Name one thing that is the same most your family and their family.
  4. Name ane matter that is dissimilar about your family and their family.
  5. What if kids in their family unit felt a piddling sad or embarrassed past feeling different from other kids? What advice would you give them?

Responses to these questions can exist compared and farther discussed in the classroom.

Questions for Grade four:

A graphical representation can be charted regarding the things that are same and dissimilar about families. This can be shared with the grade. (Fastened- Action ii sheet)

Ideas to conclude:

A family has the following characteristics:

  • Provides nurturing, dearest, and careto its members
  • Provides an identity and a name to all its members.
  • Provides a child its first education. Languages and social behaviour are outset learned within the family. The family unit as well shapes and mould the likes and dislikes, etc. of a child.
  • Transmits traditions from i generation to the next.
  • Looks later on the economic needs of its members and also shares sure resources, such every bit land or a house.
  • Commonly has members who are related by blood and who live together under the same roof, though this is not necessary.

3. Human relationship and me:

There are names for the relationship we share with others in a family unit. Word cards are made for each of the relationships. The students can exist asked to hold any of the cards and tell the proper name of that person in their family. The students can also be asked to match the English language discussion to the appropriate Tamil give-and-take for each of the relationships.

4. Creating a family tree:

Word cards on unlike relationships can exist given to the students. They can write the names of the people in their family based on the relationship. This can exist bundled to make a family unit tree.

(A sample family-tree template is attached.)

Resource thought reference: Sangatti kit, https://www.tolerance.org/


Source: https://www.azimpremjifoundationpuducherry.org/content/families-can-be-different

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